MPPA Belle River Project Committee Meeting


Thu, May 9, 2024    
9:00 am - 10:00 am



Click Here for the Meeting Agenda

Click Here to Join the Meeting

Public Participation
Members of the public, whether or not they are joining the public meeting, may submit written comments and questions regarding any matter, including items of business that will come before the Project Committee. Written comments and questions may be submitted at any time. Those submitted prior to the public comment portion of the agenda will be read aloud during the public comment section of the agenda. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to summarize long written comments and questions rather than reading them aloud but will provide Committee Members with the full text of these comments prior to the meeting.

To be considered for inclusion in the agenda or read aloud during the meeting, public comments and questions must include the full name and home address of the person submitting them and must not include language that would be considered vulgar or be interpreted as hate speech or fighting words. The comments and questions should also indicate the date of the public meeting for which they are being submitted.

Written comments and questions should be submitted to this email address no less than 5 business days prior to the scheduled public meeting to which they relate.

Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodations
MPPA will provide necessary, reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities who wish to attend a meeting after being provided notice in advance. Requests must be submitted in writing to this email address no less than two weeks prior to the meeting date.

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